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Please note: You must book before attending to ensure there is a space available.

Learn to Rest not Quit: Relaxation Workshop on 28 June 2019 at 19:00


Limited to 8 spaces

4 space(s) still available

Yin Yoga & Yoga Nidra w. essential oils

A passive practice, Yin Yoga involves variations of seated and supine poses typically held for 3 to 5 minutes, accessing the oxygen rich belly of the muscles.

Spending time in a posture, observing our thought patterns and having time to notice our surrenders and releases takes us much deeper inwards for a relaxing and completely recharging effect.

For the first half of this practice we will patiently and sympathetically work with the connective tissue of the body: tendons, ligaments and fascia.

During the second half of the practice we will counteract the effects of our stressful lives in a fully supported, restorative yoga practice, using bolsters and blankets, learning to unleash the mindfulness of such a passive Yoga practice into the rest of our lives.

What is yoga nidra? Nidra, meaning sleep, is a deep relaxation form of yoga, and a technique to awaken the connection between body, mind, and soul. The practice is like a deep sleep while you are still awake.

This ancient practice is becoming more popular as a form of meditation and mind-body therapy, and has multiple physical benefits.


Please contact Nicole on 07900005952, or at nicole@leaveyouregosatthedoor.co.uk to find out more or to book in for this event.

Please be sure you have read our terms and conditions before booking.